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Luprenol® is a plant-based extract that supports hormonal balance to help manage symptoms associated with menopause.

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Helps with symptoms of menopause 

During menopause, reproductive hormones including estrogen start to decline, leading to challenging symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes and sleep disturbances.

Luprenol® is a plant-based ingredient that supports hormonal balance to help women navigate these symptoms.

Key benefits:

  • Promotes hormonal balance
  • Manages symptoms such as, hot flushes and night sweats
  • Helps stabilise mood 

3 Reasons manufacturers choose Luprenol


It's a natural hops extract that helps manage symptoms associated with menopause.


Its active ingredient is backed by studies showing that it helps to support hormonal imbalances that can lead to changes in mood, hot flushes and other symptoms.

Safe and effective

Studies support the safety and efficacy of Luprenol in providing support for symptoms associated with menopause.