Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day

Legislature Creates Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day

The first Friday in April is designated Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day in public schools. This designation will be used to promote awareness of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables and encourage students to consume more fruits and vegetables. 

This year we will be celebrating the first Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day on Friday, April 5. Join us in educating students on the importance of fruit and vegetables and encouraging them to enjoy fresh, local produce! 


Thank You for Celebrating

Thank you for celebrating the first Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day with us! Click here to see how schools across the Lone Star State celebrated. Join us for next year's celebration and please provide your feedback and ideas here. 


Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day Overview - Use this overview handout to learn more about the celebration day and spread awareness among your community.
Celebration Templates - Use these fillable templates to insert the local fruit and vegetable options available at your school and spotlight your producers. Share it with your community by posting it on your website or social media!
Fruits and Vegetables Across Texas - Use these handouts that spotlight the Fruits and Vegetables grown across the Lone Star State!
Press Release - Use this fillable press release to raise awareness among your community and let them know what you are doing to celebrate Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day!
Taste Testing Toolkit - Use this Taste Testing Guide and Planner along with digital materials to plan a Taste Testing Event to celebrate Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day.
Digital Images and Handouts - Use these digital images, nutrition handouts, and recipes to boost your Texas Fruit and Vegetable Day celebrations!
Activities - Explore coloring sheets, crosswords, and word searches featuring fruits and vegetables.
Classroom Nutrition Education - Share these resources with teachers for ideas on how to incorporate nutrition education into the classroom!
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - FFVP helps schools create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices and increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption. Explore Nutrition Education Resources curated by TDA.
Farm Fresh Initiative - Explore our Farm Fresh Initiative webpage dedicated to connecting local schools with Texas agriculture. Use our Seasonality Wheel, Harvest of the Month, Garden Based Learning, and more!
MyPlate - Test your Fruit and Vegetable knowledge and explore nutrition resources from MyPlate!  

Assistance available in English and Spanish. Please call 877-TEX-MEAL (877-839-6325) for help. Additional translations services available as well.

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