Verge Garden Party | City of Fremantle

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Verge Garden Party

Sullivan Hall, White Gum Valley | Sunday 5 May | 2.30-4.30pm

Join us for an afternoon tea garden party as we launch the City’s brand new Verge Garden Guidelines. 

The day will feature a series of talks from special guests, offering valuable insights into maximising the potential of your verge garden.

Join in on a community verge walk and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea.

Free ticketed event. Open to City of Fremantle residents only.

Bookings are essential. Book here.

What's happening

2.30–2.40pm - Welcome

Policy, Guidelines and Agenda
Sarah May and Emily Parsons 
Senior Landscape Architects | City of Fremantle

2.40-3pm - ‘Soils and Species’ 

Soil types and lawn removal Kaj Britschgi | APACE WA

3:00-3.20pm - 'Bobtails of Suburbia'

Designing verges for reptiles and other wildlife Mandy Bamford | Bamford Consulting Ecologists

3.20-3.40pm - 'Sharing Ground'

Verge Trees and the shared spaces above and below ground Jeremy Thomas, Senior Urban Forest Officer | City of Fremantle

3.40–4.30pm - Valley Verges Talk + Walk

The community benefits of verge gardening Local gardeners each give a short talk on their verge, then a short walk David Broun | Valley Verges (and others)

Throughout the afternoon

•    APACE WA display ~ view the plants available under the subsidy scheme
•    Kids corner with colouring-in
•    Afternoon tea
•    Sign up for the City’s September verge garden workshops
•    Enter a competition to win a free verge design session