The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Joe Biden wins South Carolina primary, reshaping the Democratic race

February 29, 2020 at 9:59 p.m. EST
Democratic presidential rivals reacted to the results of the South Carolina primary on Feb. 29, where former vice president Joe Biden decisively won. (Video: The Washington Post)

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Former vice president Joe Biden decisively won the South Carolina primary Saturday, as the first Southern primary contest reshaped the race and dealt a blow to the surging candidacy of Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The win pumped new life into Biden’s struggling campaign, as he became the first candidate to score a clear-cut victory against Sanders this year, boosting his efforts to become the major alternative to the liberal senator. Still, Sanders (I-Vt.) is polling strongly in several of the Super Tuesday states that vote this week, and it could yet prove difficult for any of his competitors to catch up.