
Practice With Intention

Welcome to Kavooa Golf

Introducing Kavooa Pro. Designed to enhance your technique,
consistency, and overall performance on the range. Whether
you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, it will help teach you swing
fundamentals so that you strike the ball confidently.

Our Mission

To aid golfers who are serious about supercharging their golf games with an extra set of hands on the range. At Kavooa Golf we believe in practicing with intention rather than just mindlessly hitting balls. We want to help players reach their full potential while achieving balance and stability on and off the golf course. Our products act as a 24/7 coach that guides your swing and takes your game to the next level so you never have a reason not to practice!

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The student becomes the master with the kavooa pro.

Supporting over eight essential golf drills and exercises, The Kavooa Pro helps players reach their full potential through achieving balance and stability.

"As a coach, the No.1 priority for my student is solid contact. Something the Kavooa Pro has helped in, adding an essential reference for good form."

Rick Sessinghaus

PGA Coach

Coach for Two-Time Major Winner

"As a college golfer, I know first-hand how difficult the journey towards improvement is in the golf game. That's why in March 2020, I started using the Kavooa Pro and my practice routines have excelled ever since allowing me to maintain a form of consistency I previously could not accomplish"

Dylan Horowitz

College Golfer

Inventor of the Kavooa Pro

"I've been using the Kavooa Pro in sessions with my students now both in person and for them to practice with at home and the improvements have been really impressive across a wide range of their game "

Brennan Amirkhizi

Tour Director

U.S.Kids Golf Foundation

"The No.1 thing I struggle with, with my students, is teaching and helping them learn how to practice without me there. I can't be there for every golf ball hit, but I can use the Kavooa Pro to replace me. "

Angella Then

PGA Coach

LPGA Professional

Striving for excellence

Dylan and Andrew are a family of entrepreneurs that span four generations but were brought together on this venture through their mutual love of golf.

"During quarantine, I was really struggling to make any improvements on the form of my swing while practicing in the backyard, I knew I needed to create a training aid that was versatile and could be used anywhere. That's when the idea for The Kavooa Pro started."

Dylan Horowitz
Co-Founder, Kavooa Golf

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