Breaking Policy News​

Animal Wellness Action Condemns Passage of Farm Bill That Guts States’ Rights and Shows Contempt for Animal Welfare

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House Republicans Vote to Remove Federal Protections for Wolves, Expand State Assault and Cruelty to These Threatened and Endangered Animals

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Kristi Noem Voted Against a Bipartisan House Bill to Crack Down on Dogfighting and Cockfighting

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Meet the Rescuers!

We like meeting up with people on the ground, deep in day-to-day work with animals. In this episode we talk to Paul Collins, our Wisconsin state director who volunteers at a local rescue sanctuary where he has befriended emus; Alecia Torres, the operations director at Heartland Farm Sanctuary in Wisconsin; and Robin Herman, the head of Lucky Dog Retreat Rescue.

Heartbreaking Footage Released of Cody Roberts Torturing the Wyoming Wolf

Cody Roberts plowed a wolf down with his snowmobile, taped her mouth shut, tortured her, and dragged her before his buddies at the Green River Bar in Daniel, Wyoming. Recently found footage shows Roberts tormenting her at the bar.

Trapping in Vermont is Dangerous ... And MUST Be Stopped

It's dangerous to pets, it's dangerous to wildlife, and it's potentially dangerous to people.

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Animal Cruelty Enforcement​

Animal Fighting is the Pits

Banning Greyhound Racing​

Creating a Cage-Free Future

Dunking the Milk Mandate in Schools

Kangaroos Are Not Shoes​

Keeping Wild Horses Wild

End Horse Slaughter

Getting the Lead Out

Modernize Testing

Rethink Mink

Saving Wolves

Tourism Without Trophy Hunting

Veterans for Mustangs Act