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75th Anniversary

Anniversary CollageAnniversary Collage

Bright Past. Brilliant Future.

As a leading distributor of products and services to the food, dairy, and beverage industries, Nelson-Jameson is thrilled to celebrate 75 years of success since its founding in 1947. We attribute our overwhelming achievement and incredible journey to our employees, customers, supply partners, and community. 

Our community organizations, customers, and strategic partners all took the time to congratulate Nelson-Jameson on 75 years!

Thank you—we appreciate each and every one of you!


When Earl Nelson, his father Ted, Herb Jameson, and Bob Dougherty founded Nelson-Jameson in 1947, they envisioned a company that provided a necessary service while operating by the Golden Rule. Today, Nelson-Jameson continues to embody that spirit while honoring our rich history.

Our Past PolaroidsOur Past Polaroids

The Evolution of Our Logo

Throughout the decades, the Nelson-Jameson logo has evolved—representing various stages
of growth for our organization, and establishing our brand identity.

One of our founders, Earl Nelson, drew the first logo and chose the blue color that represents Nelson-Jameson today.

After a brief stint in the 1960s operating under the name North Central States Suppliers, Inc.,
it was decided to legally switch the name of the company back to Nelson-Jameson—as that is what most of our customers continued to call us. The logo for the former name included a representation of the North Star, which is symbolic in the current logo, with Nelson and Jameson arranged on either side.

Logo GIFLogo GIF

In the 1990s, a rectangular box was set around the logo, and a reversed color version was also used. In the late 2000s, the box was removed and the current blue logo you see today was set as the official logo of Nelson-Jameson, Inc.


We are proud to be an integral part of the food industry. For 75 years, we have been providing food and beverage manufacturers with the supplies and services they need to produce safe, quality food. These products and services, coupled with the same Golden Rule principles and integrity that directed the company during its early years, now proudly serve the food industry worldwide—Some may say we are aging like a good cheese!

Tradeshows Polaroids and TestimonialsTradeshows Polaroids and Testimonials


Nelson-Jameson employs over 200 individuals, many of whom have been here for decades. As a family-owned company, we place high value on our employees and strive to provide them with the opportunity for growth and a healthy work-life balance. Our greatest asset is our employees, and we applaud the passion they bring to our mission and their dedication to Nelson-Jameson. 

Company Culture PolaroidsCompany Culture Polaroids

Life At Nelson-Jameson

We asked our employees what they loved most about life at Nelson-Jameson. Here at NJ, we
focus on personal and professional growth, a work-life balance, and treating our employees
like family. Creating a culture where our people can thrive and feel supported has been
essential to our 75 years of growth and success.

Cheers to another 75!


Take a look at how our employees feel about

Recipe BookRecipe Book

75th Anniversary Digital Recipe Book

In celebration of our 75th Anniversary, the Nelson-Jameson family has compiled
75 recipes from our own families—including some generational favorites, a few
Nelson family recipes, some Cheese Lover recipes from our social media, and
plenty of sweet stuff! We hope you enjoy these recipes as much as we do.



We strive to attain supply chain excellence through attentive customer service, comprehensive technical expertise, sophisticated logistics and elevated industry acumen. Watch our value of partnering video series on our About Us page to see why Nelson-Jameson is so much more than a supplier.

Truck PolaroidsTruck Polaroids


Nelson-Jameson strives to meet our customer's needs by providing customized solutions, as well as technical support and training.


While the food industry has changed over the past seven decades, Nelson-Jameson’s commitment to helping our customers create safe, quality food remains steadfast. As the industry continues to adapt to the evolving demands of today, Nelson-Jameson is proud to be at its helm, providing food processors with products and solutions for the needs of tomorrow. 

Dakonya's TestimonialDakonya's Testimonial

The growth of our organization lies with the future leaders of Nelson-Jameson, and we will continue to lay the foundation for their success by providing a work environment that promotes Golden Rule values—the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our co-workers, the industry in which we work, and the communities where we live. It is these values that are the key to the success of the past and the roadmap for future generations to follow. 

Amanda's TestimonialAmanda's Testimonial