A baby's life depends on you.

Today, an expectant mother faces a life-and-death decision. Will you help save her baby’s life? Double your gift to help save babies from abortion through a $1.1 Million Match Opportunity!

Save a child's life

Rescue 2x the babies from abortion!

Yes, I will save TWICE the babies!

Jesse Florea

For more than 20 years, Jesse Florea has been the editor of Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine, and currently oversees and Clubhouse Jr. magazine as well. He co-hosts the “Official Adventures in Odyssey” podcast, which is one of the top-ranked podcasts for kids and family. Jesse has written or co-written nearly 40 books, including the Defend Your Faith children’s apologetics Bible, The Case for Grace for Kids, and two with Bob Smiley – Devotions for Super Average Kids, books 1 & 2.

Underwater photo. Happy family snorkelling in tropical sea

Why Families Need Vacations

Taking the time to relax, explore and have fun as a family can strengthen your family bond.