Protecting Water and
Subsistence Resources in the

Norton Bay Watershed


Photo credit: Katrina Liebich, USFWS

Climate Change Threatens 
Tribe's Subsistence Lifestyle

The traditional subsistence fishing and hunting practices of Native Villages in the Norton Bay watershed area are under threat due to climate change and industrial development. This not only endangers their economy and water rights but also poses a serious threat to their way of life.

What is subsistence?
Subsistence is defined in Alaska state laws as the “noncommercial customary and traditional uses” of fish and wildlife. - Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Anti-Mining demonstration, NBWC Worked with Students in Elim Against Uranium (Photo credit: Hal)


wildlife die-off (photo credit: Sara Germain, Alaska Department of Fish and Game; Hal)


tribes depend on subsistence hunting and fishing as sources of nutrition and cultural practices (photo credit: NPS)


Our watershed council is extremely important to the region.

This watershed council gives balance to scientific and traditional data that ensures the health of our rivers.

⎯ Emily Murray, Vice President

Tribal members share information on the prairie.

Tribal members share information on the prairie. (Photo credit: NPS)

What Norton Bay Watershed Council Does

Monitoring and Research

The Council monitors and researches water quality and quantity in the Norton Bay watershed, as well as the impacts of climate change on the region's water resources.

Restoration and Planning

The Council develops and implements watershed restoration projects and collaborates with local tribal communities to create effective water resource management strategies.

Education and Advocacy

The Council provides education and outreach to increase awareness about the importance of protecting water resources, and advocates for the protection of the Norton Bay watershed at the local, state, and federal levels.


Water quality research at tubutulik river (Photo credit: Ken Takak)


Public gathering with the council members and communities (Photo credit: Hal)

Ongoing Projects

Support Us

Support us to protect our water resources

Local traditional knowledge is critical to protecting our water resources.
Your support is vital to the council's efforts to monitor, restore, and advocate for water rights in the Norton Bay watershed. Your donation would go to assist the watershed council to monitor the health of our rivers and the protection of subsistence and traditional resources.


Make a donation through our secure and reliable platform powered by Patagonia Action Works.

P.O. Box 15332, Fritz Creek, AK 99603
(907) 491-1355