Press Releases

ECU Releases New $400,000 Radio Ad in MI-07

Oct 12, 2022

Ad highlights Elissa Slotkin’s record of lowering costs and fighting corruption

End Citizens United today released a new radio ad campaign in Michigan’s 7th Congressional District. The $400,000 ad highlights how Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin has taken on Big Pharma to lower healthcare costs, fought to ban members of Congress from trading stocks, and has never taken a dime of corporate PAC money.

“When it comes to taking on corporate special interests and DC corruption, Congresswoman Slotkin talks the talk and walks the walk. She fought Big Pharma–and won–leading the successful effort to lower the cost of prescription drugs for Michigan families. Unlike Tom Barrett, whose legislative campaign was 90% funded by corporate PACs and special interests, Slotkin never has, and never will, take a single penny from corporate PACs,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller.

Click here to listen

The radio ad will run on streaming and radio stations in Lansing, Livingston County, and Shiawassee County, beginning on October 12 and running through the end of October.

Full script of “Heard the News

Person #1: Hey Charlotte!

Person #2: Hi Alice,

Person #1: What are you up to?

Person #2: Just making some banana bread.

Person #1: Have you heard the news?

Person #2: I don’t think so, what’s up?

Person #1: Well, Elissa Slotkin just passed the bill that finally takes on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug costs. 

Person #2: Finally someone standing up to the drug companies. How’s it work?

Person #1: Now Medicare can negotiate drug prices. So we’ll see lower prices across the board! 

Person #2: And Elissa Slotkin passed it? 

Person #1: Yup, Elissa Slotkin, and she’s pushed her own party leadership to pass the bill that bans members of Congress from trading stocks.

Person #2: It’s about time to stop them from getting rich off inside info. We need more people in Washington like her. 

Person #1: Well, she’s never taken a dime in corporate PAC money. So we know she’s working only for us. 

Person #2: Elissa Slotkin sounds like she’s almost as good as my banana bread!   

Person #1: (laughs)  

VO: “Paid for by End Citizens United,, which is responsible for the content of this ad. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.” 
