
We are now closed.
Thanks for an amazing 3 years!

Dear friends and neighbors,

I want to first say thank you for being so supportive of the Farmer’s Market over the past 3 years. It’s been a wonderful adventure and one of my family’s proudest achievements.

Unfortunately, this season has not shaped up the way we had hoped.

A number of setbacks have occurred, most notably being that two of our farmers have moved on for reasons outside of our control. To make matters worse, we have been unable to find replacements, and a replacement this late into the season is highly unlikely.

Further, our vendor count, quality, and commitment has decreased dramatically.

The impact of these together results in only a small handful of vendors on any given Market Day.

For these two main reasons, Rob and I have chosen not to reopen the Farmer’s Market for the 2022 season.

We’re beyond thankful for all who came to shop and support in their own way.

We can personally attest that the amount of amazing people we have in this town is humbling and I know our regulars would agree!

It was an honor to get to know all of you and we look forward to seeing all of your friendly faces around town.

- Stacey, Rob, & Finn Reese

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