Vendia Share

Vendia helps enterprises share code and data across companies, clouds, accounts, regions, and technology stacks. Vendia's unique architecture offers a distributed data model that goes everywhere you need it to, and its serverless design enables it to scale seamlessly.

Vendia helps businesses create a complete portrait of their data, for example to track and trace items in a supply chain. Often that information spans business parties, such as suppliers, logistics, affiliates, and others. These might be different legal entities, different departments within the same enterprise, or even the same department but divided by their adoption of different public cloud services, such as one using AWS and another using Azure. Vendia helps bring all this disparate data together so that everyone involved can take advantage of a complete, consistent, and up-to-date view of the business...and at the same time, work on every cloud without the need to port their code!

With a SQL database, you issue a CREATE_TABLE command to define the names and types of a table; the database vendor handles the challenges of where and how to store (and later, access) that data. Vendia works similarly, but instead of creating a single database for a single party, Vendia converts a description of your data model into a shared ("decentralized") database that can be used by multiple parties. Each party gets a copy of the data, and Vendia manages the challenge of keeping that data consistent across all the parties as changes are made. This is similar to hooking up the parties through APIs, with the added advantage that the data is never out of date, incomplete, or inconsistent. In addition, every party knows who made which change and when it was made and has an easy way to prove that their copy is "tamper free". Don't have a situation that complex? No worries - Vendia also makes it easy for a single user to create applications that span clouds, regions, and accounts. It's the easiest way to create a modern app that "lives everywhere you need it to".

A decentralized database coupled with an immutable, tamper-free ledger is sometimes referred to as a blockchain. However, this term can convey additional meanings, such as the blockchain being public (Ethereum) or being used as a store or transfer of value ("cryptocurrencies"). Vendia is not a cryptocurrency or a public blockchain; the only participants who can use your Vendia service are the ones you explicitly grant permissions to.

To learn more about definitions related to ledgers, see Terms and Definitions.

Vendia Share Quick Start

Vendia Share CLI Installation and Usage Guide

Developing and Using Unis

Defining Your Data Model

Learning More

Terms and Definitions

Vendia Service Agreement