Take a quick, free, and anonymous online survey that can help you learn about YOU!

If you’re curious about your own mind, your own emotional health, your own mental well-being, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. We’re partnering with Mental Health America to provide you with the first step in the journey to learning about your mental health and how to best care for your mind.

Been feeling anxious lately? Take the anxiety test. Feel like your brain is playing tricks on you? Take the psychosis & schizophrenia test. There are 12 tests you can explore, depending on what makes sense for YOU. Once you complete the assessment, Mental Health America will provide your results, along with some resources to pursue a formal diagnosis and treatment.

Click any of the buttons below to take a free, anonymous assessment via Mental Health America.

Disclaimer: These assessments are not a diagnostic tool. If you believe that you may be dealing with an acute mental health issue or are a danger to yourself or others, please call 988 or visit your nearest emergency room.

Additional Resources

Curious how things like substance use, anxiety, or depression are impacting you?

Often, our journey to optimal mental health begins with our own self-awareness of how we are thinking, feeling, and coping. In order to support you in building that awareness, Giving Kitchen has partnered with MyWellbeing to put together this brief assessment.

Click below to answer a series of questions and learn whether additional care and support may be beneficial for you. Your survey answers are anonymous and takes about 5 minutes to complete. Once you complete the assessment, MyWellbeing will provide your results, along with some resources to pursue a formal diagnosis and treatment.

365 Daily Prompts for Better Mental Health

Life gets busy, and we forget to focus on our self-care — In partnership with MyWellbeing, Giving Kitchen has curated a yearly calendar of daily prompts to prioritize self-reflection, build nutritional habits, and improve social well-being.

Download & print Giving Kitchen’s calendar and place it in a common area you frequent daily, such as your bathroom mirror, home office, or fridge.

365 Daily Prompts
May Mental Health Calendar

Talkiatry: Let’s 86 the stigma & start to change the conversation around psychiatry and mental health.

Watch these videos from Talkiatry & find additional resources in our Stability Network Resource Library.


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