Household Electronics Program Change

What is the change?

As of October 1, 2022, collected household electronics will be sent to the Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Facility, not to a private recycler. Household electronics that are placed in the garbage will be processed with regular garbage at the Solid Waste Disposal Complex, which includes the WTE Facility.

What to Do

For Households

  • For working household electronics:
  • For non-working household electronics:
    • Repair the item; or
    • Place in the garbage. Household electronics will be processed with regular garbage at the Solid Waste Disposal Complex, which includes the WTE Facility.
    • For bulky household electronics that do not fit in garbage bins (like televisions):
  • For household electronic items with rechargeable batteries:
    • Do not place the item in garbage or recycling collection containers (rechargeable batteries can cause fires when compressed and harm workers and the environment).
    • Take the item to a drop off location using the Where Does It Go? Search Tool.

For Businesses

This program change does not affect businesses.

For more information about this program change: