Truth Campaign

Truth Campaign

Welcome to the Truth Campaign, a national, multi-media offensive aimed at fighting disinformation spread by the PBMs. We are targeting lawmakers and policy influencers in Washington, DC, and multiple state capitals. We are also targeting pharmacy patients, asking them to join the fight. Here you will find information and tools for community pharmacists to use to amplify the message. You'll see some of the ads and messages that we are using to launch the campaign. And you'll find regular updates, like new videos, which we'll be unveiling soon.

In the meantime, please consider joining the fight by making a contribution to the NCPA Legislative and Legal Defense Fund, which allows us to keep fighting on behalf of the 19,400 community pharmacists and their patients across the country.

PBM Fees


Stop PBM Profiteering!

Now more than ever, Americans need access to essential healthcare providers. That includes access to affordable prescription drugs from pharmacists they know and trust.

More Information