Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures worldwide, and therefore has a great impact on a public health. Thanks to continually improving technologies, cataract surgery has become a routine procedure, and is very safe.

However, in many cases the visual outcome is not optimal due to the underestimated rate of dislocated IOLs, especially for premium IOL. This seriously impacts on the life quality of patients, and consequently patient satisfaction, and results in elaborate postoperative management.

The Lens Reviewer makes the postoperative management of dislocated intraocular lens (IOL) more intuitive und straightforward than ever. It reduces the post-operative refractive surprises after cataract surgery and can further minimize the need for post cataract refractive surgeries.

Our innovative patented technology is embedded in the Lens Reviewer, which aims to achieve better visual outcomes for your patients, especially for premium IOLs, and therefore promoting premium IOL implantations for your clinic.

Minimizing the postoperative efforts after premium IOL implantation reduces costs and additional risk factors for patients.

The Lens Reviewer sets a new benchmark in cataract surgery.

Are you interested in testing our innovative device in your clinic? Don't hesitate to contact by and we would be glad to provide you additional information.