Office of Biostatistics Research

The Office of Biostatistics Research (OBR), located in the Office of Clinical Research in DIR (link), serves as the primary biostatistical resource for all of the NHLBI. The members of the Office collaborate broadly, participating in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and analyses of studies funded by NHLBI, including basic biomedical studies and clinical studies sponsored by the Division of Intramural Research.

Activities include: statistical methodology relevant to biomedical and clinical research studies, including survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, statistical genetics, data science and machine learning, as well as efficient designs for clinical studies, including adaptive designs and monitoring of ongoing trials for efficacy, safety, and futility. The Office members collaborate with investigators in NHLBI DIR as well as investigators in the NHLBI extramural divisions. For statistical advice, please contact Dr. Nancy Geller, who will connect you with a member of the Office.

NHLBI Office of Biostatistics Research Excerpt of Annual Report 2022

OBR Staff