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Colorado Attorney General Wants Frontier Airlines Investigated Ahead Of Merger With Spirit Airlines

DENVER (CBS4) - As both Frontier and Spirit airlines prepare to merge, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser wants the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate Frontier. He says both airlines don't provide quality customer service, and the merger would "worsen" unfair treatment of Colorado customers.

(credit: CBS)

"Companies that take advantage of consumers must be held accountable, and the prospect of this merger creates an immediate need for the USDOT to examine Frontier's business practices to ensure both airlines have practices and policies in place that comply with laws requiring carriers to treat consumers fairly and honestly," Weiser stated in a news release on Tuesday.

In 2020, Weiser called for a different federal investigation into Frontier after his officer heard "hundreds" of complaints during the coronavirus pandemic.

Weiser, along with 40 attorney generals, wrote a letter to Congress, asking for better protections for customers.

In his latest request, Weiser says the two airlines "will have fewer incentives to appropriately address complaints and treat their consumers fairly and in accordance with the law because they will face lessened competition. That reduced competition could also lead, the letter explains, to fewer choices for consumers who are searching for an affordable option on the routes Frontier and Spirit serves."

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