Monitor and Assess the Well-Being of Your Physicians and Care Teams

Due to the changing environment, the Coping with COVID-19 for Caregivers Survey is no longer available. To learn more about the findings from the survey, you can view our national report and find additional resources below.

The American Medical Association will continue to offer complimentary assessment services to support health care systems and practices in assessing the well-being of their physicians and APPs.

Physician burnout is largely attributed to organizational and systemic factors. Therefore, solutions must be identified and developed at the systems level. By measuring, organizations can (1) understand unique challenges to physician and care team well-being in their system and (2) develop strategies and solutions that can be targeted to the distinctive needs of their organization, physicians and care teams.

Learn more about burnout assessments

Additional Resources:

From professional burnout assessments to targeted intervention strategies, the AMA is pleased to support health care systems across the country with guided and best practice solutions.

Learn more in the practice transformation toolkit (PDF) or contact us at for additional information.

Why should you survey your organization?

Convey their concern/care to the workforce

Track trends in the stress levels

Identify specific drivers of stress

Develop supportive infrastructures based on these drivers